Cosmetic acupuncture as a treatment is an extension of traditional acupuncture, where ultra-thin and sterilized needles are strategically inserted into specific points on the face.
This process aims to increase blood circulation and naturally revitalize the skin, enhancing its appearance for a smoother and healthier look.
During a session, the acupuncturist inserts up to 50 hair-fine needles into the face. These needles create small tears in the skin, triggering the body's repair mechanism and stimulating an immune response that reduces inflammation. This process is similar to microneedling but is gentler.
While invasive injection procedures, such as Botox or fillers, only address signs of aging, facial acupuncture improves overall health to enhance skin appearance and provide lasting results.
At California Mobile Acupuncture, we go beyond mere surface beauty. We focus on promoting beauty from the inside out by regulating hormones, nurturing your inner body, and focusing on your gut health.
By regulating digestion and gut health and nurturing your inner body, we help you achieve radiant and rejuvenated skin from the inside out.
Regular sessions of cosmetic acupuncture can gradually enhance your skin health and provide a radiant and rejuvenated look.