At California Mobile Acupuncture, we offer personalized nutritional counseling services to improve your overall gut health and manage gastrointestinal disorders.
If you suffer from digestive issues, certain foods should be avoided to prevent triggering your symptoms. For instance, acidic and spicy foods can aggravate acid reflux, while processed foods can contribute to constipation and bloating. Similarly, incorporating certain foods into your diet can improve gut health, gastrointestinal motility, and overall digestion.
Personalized nutritional counseling can be highly beneficial by addressing specific dietary needs and intolerances. We create tailored nutritional plans based on your unique nutritional requirements and preferences.
We also provide food preparation demonstrations to show you how to make food more bioavailable to help heal your gut. These demos offer tasty ways to incorporate all your nutritional requirements into your diet, making it easier and more enjoyable to maintain a healthy gut.