For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine has utilized acupuncture to support women before, during, and after pregnancy. It can serve as a safe and effective complementary therapy to aid conception, whether through natural means or in vitro fertilization (IVF).
During the IVF process, acupuncture is most beneficial in the months leading up to the IVF transfer. By supporting the mother prior to the transfer, acupuncture may help increase the chances of a successful transfer.
Acupuncture is recommended before the transfer and immediately following the transfer. Most IVF facilities welcome us into their clinic to facilitate acupuncture in this way on the day of the transfer.
Acupuncture can help create an optimal environment for natural conception by enhancing the blood flow to the reproductive organs. Improved blood circulation leads to healthy ovarian function and optimal uterine health.
Additionally, acupuncture can help stimulate the release of endorphins, the body's natural stress-relieving hormones. This can promote relaxation, reduce stress, anxiety, and emotional strain often associated with IVF treatments, and help enhance success rates.